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Samsung is developing Folding Displays for Google, Oppo, and Xiaomi.

Folding Displays

Samsung is currently cashing on its foldable technology and is developing folding displays for Google, Oppo, and Xiaomi

A Previous report suggested that Vivo, Oppo, Goggle, and Xiaomi would all be releasing Foldable devices. However, the new report doesn’t mention Vivo.

Although, it does mention that Samsung is developing folding Displays for Oppo, Xiaomi, and Google.

The new reports capitalize upon all OEM’s folding display and supported size. which is quite exciting. Since foldable is the future and we are excited to see what 2021 has to offer.

Read news of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3

Samsung developing Xiaomi Folding Display

Starting with Xiaomi, it is switching from an outward folding display to an inward folding one. Which is very unlike Xiaomi. Since they always try to push the limits. But this time it seems as if Xiaomi wants to play safe. 7.92 Inches Display on its prototype was developed by Visionox. Meanwhile, for the display of 8.02-inches, Xiaomi will partner with Samsung and CSOT.

Xiaomi Foldable spotted in Chinese Subway

CSOT and BOE developed Motorola Razr’s Folding Display in 2019. Xiaomi’s folding display will apparently be a 6.38-inch external Display.

Xiaomi folding display

Oppo Folding Display Size

The Display is said to open from top to bottom, which means the device will have a Clamshell form factor. The external screen of this device will be 1.5 to 2.0-inches. So, the display will be long and tall when the device unfolded.

While Oppo has worked with Visionox, BOE, and Samsung for an outward folding 7.7-inches display. Which looks familiar with Motorola Razr which was released in 2019.

Oppo Folding device
Oppo Folding Display

Google Foldable

Next up Google, although there is no such information about Google’s folding display. However, it is mentioned that Samsung will develop the foldable screen for Google. Which will be having an OLED Display of 7.6-inches.

Google pixel folding devices
Google Foldable Mobile

Even if it is only from rumors and reports about foldable displays. But, it’s really interesting to see some serious competition in the foldable mobile market.

Samsung currently holds the crown in foldable mobile technology but it might have some serious contenders in the future. Although currently, Samsung is banking on its technology. Samsung is expected to release three foldable this year, including a lower-cost Z Flip folding model.

For more information, visit the website.

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