LG, Tech News

LG Electronics Pedestrian Safety App is now unveiled

LG app for pedestrian safety V2X

In 2017, a survey displayed that one pedestrian was killed every 88 minutes in a traffic crash. The world is certainly not a happy place for pedestrians. Little developments were made since then. However, LG Electronics has now stepped up in the game with a new mobile app. According to reports, the app will grant protection to all the pedestrians out there. The company deliberately parted ways from its smartphone business recently. However, it is still innovating in other areas.

Despite this, it continues to progress due to its unique ideas and strategies. This idea is surely a different one. However, will it be a major breakthrough in the software market? To find out, let us first unlock some of the app features.

How LG ensures pedestrian safety with this app?

The South Korean tech giant has named this game-changing app as Soft V2X. V2X is a shortened version of ” Vehicle to Everything”. The smart features of this application truly justify its name. This app detects collision risks between pedestrians and vehicles. Also, it warns the user about the car to car crashes as well. Isn’t it the best solution to stop road accidents involving pedestrians?

The app works by analyzing the given information of the user’s current location. Next, it uses the cloud system in real-time to assess the user’s moving direction and speed. Moreover, V2X uses sound, warning, and vibration alerts to keep the user precautious.

While delivering the news, LG informed that this pedestrian solution works together with the country’s Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS). It allows the application to receive information on road traffic and driving conditions.

The app uses CCTVs to warn about predictable collisions with vehicles or people with Soft V2X not installed.

In addition, LG reports that the app even has the ability to prevent accidents that may occur due to bad weather conditions and vehicle blind spots.

Before LG commercializes Soft V2X, LG will engage several other companies to conduct demonstration projects. Do you really think that LG will ensure pedestrian safety with this new app? Let us know in the comment section below.



About Eshal Faisal

I am an enthusiastic writer and speaker who loves to enquire new tech knowledge about everything trending around the globe. I love public speaking and politics. Moreover, I wish to be a politician and entrepreneur in the future

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